Bodhi Fogden is a resident of Taos, New Mexico. Bodhi does ballet, snowboarding and also works at the Taos Ski Valley. A typical day for Bodhi starts with preparing for school, either going to school or attending online. After school, Bodhi hangs out with friends and proceeds home to do more homework before sleep.
What Has Been Important for Bodhi During COVID
Unlike before the pandemic, Bodhi feels that young people like herself are forced to grow up faster in this time. In a sense, being in school and around many different people, including teachers, helps develop one’s character and knowledge. But at home, these are things that students and young people now have to learn for themselves. So, this period continues to be challenging toher, but still, Bodhi hopes for a better tomorrow.

Bodhi has been staying active and motivated during the pandemic. Regardless of the current global state, staying active and motivated has given Bodhi something to look forward to. And Bodhi still takes ballet classes with a group, and they do observe the safety protocols on preventing more spread of the virus.
Bodhi’s Experiences
Bodhi likes working because it motivates her, and the pay is something to feel good about, she explains. According to Bodhi, working has taught her many valuable things ever since she started working in her father’s restaurant. Bodhi has learned some of these valuable things, including being responsible, maturing up fast, and presenting yourself to others. That’s why she looks forward to working at the Ski Valley, which is a well-known place in Taos.
First, Bodhi worked as a hostess, cleaner, and water filler, among other possible chores that she could do in her father’s restaurant, Donabe Asian Kitchen. Additionally, it was a job that required her to make people feel comfortable and welcomed. At The Ski Valley, it’s all about hospitality for her because she takes care of people’s skis when they come in. She does this by checking them to see if they need additional servicing, organizes them for the skiers, and then gives them back. Bodhi’s job at The Ski Valley is to make the visitor’s stay feel as easy as it possibly can.

Bodhi’s Plans for the Summer
This summer for Bodhi is mainly about being responsible and staying active. She plans to visit her grandparents in New Jersey and find a job while she lives with them over the summer. Bodhi likes to be independent even now when her parents are still providing for her. According to her, this will be a good preparation journey for when she’ll start being responsible for herself.
Her Plans After High School
Bodhi plans to enroll at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) after high school. She’s looking forward to indulging in their political science department and law department as well. She would also like to minor or major in Spanish because she also aspires to be bilingual for any job.
Bodhi’s Message to Friends and the Community
First, Bodhi thinks that young people should take advantage of the job opportunities that exist. Regardless of whether your parents or guardians are helping you, it would be best to learn to be responsible at a young age. As per the pandemic period, Bodhi hopes that things will get better and feels that people should be more courteous and kinder to others as well.