Dr. Mae LaBella was born in 1969 and was raised right here in Taos, New Mexico. In her free time, Dr. LaBella likes to read either professionally or just for fun. She also loves spending time with her family and dogs. She has been part of Taos Municipal Schools for approximately seventeen and a half years. Currently, Dr. LaBella is the athletic director and primarily serves in middle school and high school athletics. Dr. LaBella is in charge of ensuring that the students are physically fit and that all the paperwork is in check. Also, she ensures that the coaches are informed and updated on the rules and regulations. She also ensures that all the coaches are officially licensed for their work. Dr. LaBella then reports to the principals, superintendent, and board members. Furthermore, Dr. LaBella manages all the games, ticket distribution and works with many community people. Fortunately,she has an assistant who helps her keep her tabs in check and always on point.

Her Journey as an Educator
Dr. LaBella's journey of becoming an educator was not an intended one. She moved back to Taos from California in 1995 and was asked to substitute where her son was attending school. Dr. LaBella loved the job so much that she just decided to continue working as an educator. Her first teaching job came at Ranchos, and from there, she taught fourth grade elementary, middle school and eventually started teaching in high schools. She has also taught at a college level, where she did some instructional coaching with teachers around the district.
Changes During the Pandemic
Because most things during the pandemic have become hands-free to prevent further spread of the virus, Dr. LaBella and her team had to make some changes to host the fans and handle the games. First, tickets are now bought electronically and not physically anymore. Moreover, now that schools have allowed sports to resume, they have also implemented different systems to attract more fans to the stands during the games. If fans cannot attend these games, Dr. LaBella and her team also offer a website where fans can log in and live stream the events in the comfort of their homes.

Dr. LaBella's Biggest Challenge this Year
For Dr. LaBella, setting up events has been a challenge during this pandemic season. This is because they have to factor in the requirements in terms of capacity in venues. Also, they have to adhere to what the municipal schools have directed in terms of staying safe during the pandemic. Dr. LaBella hopes to increase fan participation and fill the stands while still adhering to the safety protocols laid down. Additionally, Dr. LaBella and her team are also working on a convenient way for the fans to order food on the stands and picking it up on a concession stand.
The Difference this Year
Unlike before the pandemic, kids are now less excited about getting back on the field. Therefore, Dr. LaBella plans to encourage them to get back to practice while ensuring that they keep their good grades to participate in sports. She is also looking to implement leadership-based programs for the athletes to develop and enhance their leadership skills. Even with the pandemic, Dr. LaBella feels that she cannot leave her passion for something else. She loves helping the kids achieve their goals, and she also feels that she is privileged to be a part of their lives.
Her Message During this Pandemic
Dr. LaBella believes that people can go far and achieve their goals if they keep pushing forward. Regardless of your position or situation,Dr. LaBella feels that the only way to move forward in life is by never giving up.