Getting to Know Kona
Kona Mirabal is from Taos Pueblo. She is the daughter of Robert Mirabal, who is a very talented artist and performer as well. For Kona, traveling has been a big part of her life, and she likes visiting new places. But her main goal is to come back with positive knowledge and skills to help her community. That's the reason she started Kona's Farmacy. For her, this isn't only a business but also something that she can use to help the Taos community's mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual state.She is also a certified minister, meaning that Kona can marry people, something else she is passionate about, love. Her main goal is going back to her native roots and teaching the younger generation the importance of keeping their environment healthy.

Formal Training for Kona
Kona's primary source of knowledge is from her family. She comes from a lineage of medicine people and healers. Actually, it was a feeling she had that she would indulge in medicine, but she didn't understand how until she was about seventeen years old. Since then, Kona knew that this was her calling, so she decided to pursue it. Currently, she is taking second post education and getting her holistic certification. Additionally, Kona is further pursuing psychology and counseling to formulate her understanding better.
The Process of Launching Her Business
Since she was young, Kona always aspired to be a minister because she visualized that career path as a cool experience. However, medicine was always her go-to plan, and she decided to share with a friend about starting an LLC.Her friend advised her about the practice, and she followed the necessary procedures to make the business viable. Soon enough, Kona was able to start her business Kona's Farmacy, in Taos Pueblo. She explains the reason for the 'F' in her business is to incorporate the farm, the organic side of medicine. To her, this business is like walking inside an organic farm to find the necessary medicines for any condition.

The Planning Stages During COVID
Kona's Farmacy was officially established this year, 2021. As for the planning stage during COVID, Kona was making use of her extra time. While the rest of the world was slowing down, Kona was strengthening her knowledge. Kona always wanted to start a business that would help the community. But she was always fearful of the outcomes, so she procrastinated for some time before launching this business. So, when Kona was ready and strong enough, she decided to launch Kona's Farmacy for her and the whole community of Taos.
Kona's Farmacy Current State
Currently, Kona is at its starting point, but things look optimistic going to the future. The business is involved in the following practices:
· Remedies
· Peer counseling
· Massage therapy
· and Holistic healing
· and other medicinal practices

Her Message to Young People
For Kona, life is full of opportunities, whether it's in rural or urban areas. Therefore, she urges others to find out who they are and what they want to do in life. Afterward, people should do their manifestations, prayers, and mantras just to align their wants with the universe.This way, achieving personal goals will become possible and easier. One of her main aims is to help others in the community, and she feels like more people should focus on helping one another for a better tomorrow.