The devastating effects of COVID have left our communities in turmoil. The far-reaching consequences that we have been experiencing are being felt. For one, the virus, with its high infection rate, has seen many deaths and vulnerabilities among the sick. The community's fear and panic have escalated, and togetherness during COVID seems like a daunting task. Despite the alarming effects, our community can bounce forward and embrace innovation to steer ahead of the tough times. Indeed, positivity can be obtained from togetherness.
The Impact of COVID On the Community
Living with the Coronavirus crisis has had an impact on the community at large. The togetherness that came about naturally has now been dealt away with. Public places have become detested due to the high risk of infection. With restricted gatherings, face to face meet-ups is no longer standard. Social disruption has also been met in terms of livelihood. With more jobs closing their doors every day, the community has faced great turmoil. The pandemic has also led to higher stakes in public health and food security for the community.Further, people who have contracted the virus face more stigma as their engagements are not desired. This has resulted in our community structure's weakening. With regular activities being disrupted by the lockdowns, it is hard to come together.
Keeping the Community Connected and Reaching Out During COVID
There is no doubt that these hard times call for the need for a stable community. In essence, our community is brought about by the people, and thus the utmost support comes from ourselves. We can rely on innovative ideas to foster growth in the community, with channels such as the internet being a great resource. The internet can also be used to reach out to all members of the community without fear. Whether you are physically quarantined or isolated, innovation can be embraced. It is possible to create that stable online community. We could do this through online self-help groups, organizations, social media, and one-on-one interactions. With the community at its core, communication is made relatively easier for all.
Recognizing Our Leaders
It is also essential to recognize the leaders within our community. We should look towards their leadership to guide us in the right direction. Their leadership decisions should benefit everyone in our community. A leader is the one that will give good and bad news and relay it to the community in an effective manner. A strong community leader listens to the community's needs and allows others to lead with their strengths. Our community leaders should also have the knowledge and the experience to deal with the difficult decisions that need to be made right now.
If You Feel The Call to Lead
If you feel called to lead, step up. Our community needs more leaders more than ever. Leadership starts with working on your strengths and utilizing them within your families. You can then stretch your leadership out to your community. These fundamental building blocks are what create strong leaders and even stronger communities.