The Hum Magazine held it's first summer intensive with True Kids 1 and The Taos HIVE. During this two-week journalism intensive, students gained the knowledge and hands-on experience of what it takes to bring an idea into publication. We started with exploring the messages that one might want to share with the world and how to best communicate them to an audience. Students then prepared an original article on a topic of their choosing during the first week of the intensive. They were then guided through the writing and editing process and all were selected to be featured in The Hum Magazine, along with an interview and photo-shoot of the top chosen article. This course was lead by Kyrstal Cretecos held at Taos HIVE.
During the second week of the intensive, students used the interview and writing skills gained during Week 1 to conduct four interviews and photo shoots, all to be featured in the this edition of The Hum Magazine. With guest photographer, Augustine Fernandez, students learned how to use the cameras, create the set, and conduct professional interviews with real interviewees from the Taos community at The Hum studio. All the while, being guided by professional mentors and given the tools, skills and materials to have a real-world experience in the field of journalism.
One of our missions at The Hum Magazine is to inspire the youth and have them involved and participating in positions that give them a strong sense of leadership and career direction. We encourage the youth to use their strong voices to send even stronger meaningful messages. The mind is a terrible thing to waste, so be inspiring.

True Kids 1 (TK1) is a youth media education nonprofit founded in 2017 and based in Taos, NM. This past year, TK1’s model was implemented in 46 K-12 classrooms serving over 900 students in Rio Arriba, Taos and Colfax counties. True Kids 1 began as a youth radio program at KNCE’s airstream trailer studio in Taos, New Mexico. In August, TK1 will launch three statewide initiatives including Film Prize Jr. NM youth film festival, Indigenous Youth Nation radio show, and a social media program with the makers of the Social Dilemma documentary. TK1s mission is to promote digital leadership and open career paths for youth by providing media skills, tools, and opportunities. Their vision is to transform education through media production for social change.
WEBSITE: truekids1.org PHONE: (575) 779-4400 EMAIL: info@truekids1.org

UNM-Taos HIVE is a coworking space and small business support center with onsite UNM-Taos classes. The UNM-Taos Hub of Internet-based Vocation and Education (HIVE) offers an individualized learning journey for those interested in working online or becoming an entrepreneur. The “hive” environment combines small business coaching and mentorship, a coworking space, and community college classrooms to support any stage of learning in an accepting, accessible, and community-led atmosphere. HIVE’s award-winning design received the grand prize at the Minds that Move Us competition, was recognized by Digital Promise for innovation, and was chosen to be a part of the national Rural Innovation Initiative.
WEBSITE: taoshive.com PHONE: (575) 776-7903 EMAIL: taoshive@unm.edu