Tai Grayson is 28 years old, and she is originally from Oklahoma City. Tai and her partner moved here from California and fell in love with Taos. Since then, they've been here for six years. Tai has never experienced mountain life before, and that became one of the main draws to stay.

About Her Business
Tai started a new business in Taos called Taos Ethnic Hair. She specializes mainly in box braids and other different types of braids. Moreover, Tai specializes in multicultural hair types and also knows other techniques like Quick Weaves. Currently, she's been doing it for about six months now.
How Tai Operates her Business
As of now, Tai doesn't have a shop where customers can come in and get served. However, this hasn't stopped her from pursuing her work and goals. Currently, Tai offers her services in her house. She takes temperatures when clients come in, and she also provides masks, gloves, and proper sanitation to stay COVID safe.

Tai's Training Process
Tai has had no formal training as she is a self-taught hairstylist. She started learning about eight years ago. After meeting her partner, she gained a new stepdaughter and decided that she needed to know how to do hair. That's when Tai started learning by watching videos, taking some free classes online, and teaching herself how to braid. Tai doesn't need a license to operate her Taos Ethnic Hair Business. That's because she is not doing perms or using any chemicals in her clients.
Why She Chose to do Multicultural Hair in Taos
Before Tia moved to Taos, she used to get her hair done every week. She noticed that the closest place to get her hair done was about two and a half hours away in Albuquerque, New Mexico. That's when she decided to start her Taos Ethnic Hair Business to provide what she believed was lacking in her community.
How Tai Incorporates Her Culture in Taos
Taos seems really surprised with Tai's culture because most people here aren't too exposed to black culture, let alone her hairstyles. So, when Tai walks out with her afro, people stare in shock or admiration. For the six years that Tai has been here with her family, she received nothing but a warm welcome. Although she has lived in about six other states, Tai feels like Taos is the only place she's ever lived that really feels like a home that accepts her for who she is.

Tai's Perception on the Black History Month
Tai supports the Black Lives Matter Movement, and she likes what the movement is fighting for. Additionally, Tai also believes that all lives matter and people shouldn't disregard each other because of race, color, or ethnicity. Tai is an African American woman who also has an African American son and daughter. Tai thinks that people need to stop assuming too much, regardless of their ethnicity. Everyone should all make an effort to respect, listen, and understand each other. According to her, it shows that people can get along if they work and agree together. She is also excited about celebrating Black History Month here in Taos.
(575) 251-2117