Alyssa Romero is a senior student at Taos High School. She enjoys dancing but also has a deep passion for helping other people. Alyssa isn’t really involved in much when it comes to school activities. However, her main focus this year was joining the high school dancing team.

The Experience of Being a Senior During COVID
Like most high school seniors, Alyssa also thinks that the pandemic has caused a significant drag on senior high school students. And although nobody was expecting things to be like this, Alyssa is still focused on pushing through it together.Additionally, she also hopes for the best for other students at her level. Outside school, Alyssa likes spending time with her friends, family and also loves dancing.
Alyssa’s Plan After High School
For now, Alyssa plans on staying in town until she finalizes her basics, general education. Other than that, she’s also focused on getting her own apartment and learning how to be independent before relocating to another place.Her main goal after high school is to be independent before moving out at the right time.

Things After COVID
According to Alyssa, things are looking better now compared to several months back when COVID started. Things are a bit better now and are opening up, which means that it might be a little bit easier. However, she still thinks it would be scarier to get back to normal without wearing masks. For her, things are going to be totally different than before.
Into the Future
Alyssa wishes to remain hopeful for her future and keep a positive attitude. She hopes for the pandemic to end and for people to return to normalcy. In high school, as a current senior, Alyssa hopes that future seniors don’t get stuck in one place because of the pandemic. She hopes that they get a chance to enjoy their senior year without having to worry about the pandemic as they move forward in life.
Words to Alyssa’s Classmate and the Community
To her classmates, Alyssa urges them to do their best to succeed and stay happy with all that is happening. As for her community, Alyssa hopes to continue helping or seeing help directed towards the small business in Taos. Besides that, she also hopes that people in need get the help they require to continue fighting through this pandemic.

Lessons from Last Year
First, Alyssa has learned patience since the pandemic hit. This past year has taught her to understand others because it’s hard to tell what people are going through. Lastly, she’s also learned to be kind to others because people are really struggling out here and the least that we can do is show kindness.